
The Bloc in Munich

The Bloc

The Bloc offers world-class talent in creative, medical, media, and technology that work together to uniquely deliver the most effective behavior-powered medical communications—globally and locally.

Service offerings

In the House of Communication in Munich, we bring all 360° marketing services together under one roof, so that we can develop and implement sustainable and target-group-specific communication solutions for healthcare brands.

Creative communication

Our highly awarded health campaigns derive their strength from a deep insight-driven process and their on-strategy rollout into omnichannel marketing.

Medical communication

We bring science to life with our medical and science experts, who support the expanding role of medical affairs and brand commercialization.

Digital communication

State-of-the-art science and healthcare are constantly progressing. They need a flexible medium that can progress with them. That's why we think an omnichannel approach is a must for brand growth.

Florian Bernsdorf

Managing Partner


House of Communication, Friedenstraße 24, 81671 Munich, Germany